United States Space Agency (NASA) will undertake the largest mission, sending unmanned spacecraft directly towards the Sun.

The project is expected to be able to answer important questions about our solar system. Car-sized aircraft will be launched into the Sun's atmosphere within a range of 4 million miles from the surface of the Sun.

Mission to the Sun is named Solar Probe Plus and is scheduled to be launched in 2018.

NASA has selected five investigators in the science that will unlock the greatest mysteries of the Sun - just as the plane passed Sun's atmosphere.
"This project opens a space for human intelligence to go to anywhere in outer space - who have never explored before any aircraft," says Lika Guhathakurta, Solar Probe Plus program scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington, as disclosed Daily Mail, 6 September 2010.
"For the first time, we will be able to touch, feel, and smell the Sun."
When the spacecraft touched the Sun, a revolutionary carbon shield plane should be able to survive in the fierce summer temperatures, around 1400 degrees Celsius. Also cope with the explosions of intensive radiation.
Then, the plane will be 'direct dealing' with the Sun - enable scientists to understand and study the radiation environment for the benefit of subsequent exploration missions.
"Experiments carried out Solar Probe Plus is specifically designed to answer two questions about the physics of the Sun. First, why the sun is very hot outer atmosphere than the surface we can see? And, what prompted the activity of the Sun affects the Earth and solar system?
"We've struggled with this question for decades. This mission should end up with an answer."
In 2009 then, NASA invited a number of researchers to submit proposals. From the 13 whom entered, five of all whom will receive funds totaling U.S. $ 180 million designated for initial analysis, design, development, and testing related to this project.
Investigation of Solar Wind and Proton electrons Alphas in particular will calculate the abundance of particles around the Sun - there are electrons, protons, and helium ions - and measure their properties.
Also prepared a special cup to catch a few particles of the Sun, to be tested directly
While a telescope set up to create a 3D image of the corona, or crown of the Sun. This experiment will see the circle of the sun and provide 3D images of clouds and shock waves experienced by the flow of aircraft.
This experiment also serves as a giant dust detector, record the voltage signal when the dust specks aerospace plane hit an antenna.
Another experiment from Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio will look at the elements in the atmosphere of the sun using a spectrometer to weigh and sort the ions around the plane.
source: vivanews

The project is expected to be able to answer important questions about our solar system. Car-sized aircraft will be launched into the Sun's atmosphere within a range of 4 million miles from the surface of the Sun.

Mission to the Sun is named Solar Probe Plus and is scheduled to be launched in 2018.
NASA has selected five investigators in the science that will unlock the greatest mysteries of the Sun - just as the plane passed Sun's atmosphere.
"This project opens a space for human intelligence to go to anywhere in outer space - who have never explored before any aircraft," says Lika Guhathakurta, Solar Probe Plus program scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington, as disclosed Daily Mail, 6 September 2010.
"For the first time, we will be able to touch, feel, and smell the Sun."
When the spacecraft touched the Sun, a revolutionary carbon shield plane should be able to survive in the fierce summer temperatures, around 1400 degrees Celsius. Also cope with the explosions of intensive radiation.
Then, the plane will be 'direct dealing' with the Sun - enable scientists to understand and study the radiation environment for the benefit of subsequent exploration missions.
"Experiments carried out Solar Probe Plus is specifically designed to answer two questions about the physics of the Sun. First, why the sun is very hot outer atmosphere than the surface we can see? And, what prompted the activity of the Sun affects the Earth and solar system?
"We've struggled with this question for decades. This mission should end up with an answer."
In 2009 then, NASA invited a number of researchers to submit proposals. From the 13 whom entered, five of all whom will receive funds totaling U.S. $ 180 million designated for initial analysis, design, development, and testing related to this project.
Investigation of Solar Wind and Proton electrons Alphas in particular will calculate the abundance of particles around the Sun - there are electrons, protons, and helium ions - and measure their properties.
Also prepared a special cup to catch a few particles of the Sun, to be tested directly
While a telescope set up to create a 3D image of the corona, or crown of the Sun. This experiment will see the circle of the sun and provide 3D images of clouds and shock waves experienced by the flow of aircraft.
This experiment also serves as a giant dust detector, record the voltage signal when the dust specks aerospace plane hit an antenna.
Another experiment from Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio will look at the elements in the atmosphere of the sun using a spectrometer to weigh and sort the ions around the plane.
source: vivanews
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